The primary purpose of this massage is in the name! Expect a gentle touch that soothes soft tissues, releases tension, and encourages the release of endorphins that put your mind at ease, and peels the stress of the day away. Relaxing massage benefits:

Any side effects? Nope! This massage is gentle, safe for those who are pregnant, are sensitive to pressure, or have tender injuries.
  • - Improve skin elasticity, soft tissue oxygenation & blood circulation
  • - Improve posture
  • - Enhance sleep quality
  • - Aid recovery from physical and mental exertion
  • - Healthier hair (scalp massage)
  • - Lowers stress, improves mood
  • 60 minutes
    / per session
197 Acton Lane, W4 5DA
Tue -Sun 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
REQUEST CALL Book an appointment